Friday, January 26, 2007

Muppets Beanie-Baby Madness

I had this one a few nights ago and let it fester in my mind until a coherent story formed out of it.

It was Halloween night and we were visiting small towns with haunted wagon-rides and haunted houses. Many of the attractions had treat bags hanging from trees and houses. I remember one ride where we were running through the woods, trying to grab treat bags on the way.

When we finally got home, I saw that some of the bags had Muppets Beanie-Babies in them. I think I had Kermit and a few others. But the thing was: I didn't have all of them. This really upset my obsessive/collective nature. I kept trying to figure out how to get the whole set. This was a difficult task since these were not the kind of toys you could just buy in retail stores. They could be found in vending machines and goody bags and things like that.

I knew I had a busy day at work the next day, but I had to get them all. I was pretty sure I was missing Gonzo and Miss Piggy, but I didn't even know for sure which Muppet existed. So I got to work and, for some reason, everyone needed me to help them. I tried to set everyone up so they could do their work and sneaked out of the building.

I got down to the basement parking and into my car. As I was coming up out of the parking garage, I almost hit 3 men: my Assistant Commissioner, some other important man and Jean Chretien. All I hoped was that they hadn't seen me.

I thought about returning to the towns, hoping there might still be some bags left. But as I drove through them, I could see everything had been cleaned up. So I figured I'd go to the library and do some research on the toys. I could at least figure out which ones existed and maybe where I could get some.

As I was looking through some big encyclopedias, all the people I had ditched at work arrived at the library and came to talk to me. I just said I was doing research for work and a bunch of other lies.

I ran out of the library and started running through a field. Some of them started following me.
Then I woke up.

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