Monday, February 5, 2007

Home, Sweet Home Invasion

Some time ago...

I had a weird dream (of course) on the week-end where my girlfriend and me were the victims of a home invasion. K.J. and The Rick came in with guns and kept us hostage in our home for 5-7 days.

They never said what they wanted. Money I guess.

What was real awkward, was that, at the time, there was some serious cunstruction going on in my backyard/driveway, with cranes and bulldozers and a 20 foot deep hole.Finally The Rick got bored and left...probably to go take care of his kid. A while after that, K.J. broke down and started crying, saying how sorry he was and that it was all The Rick's idea.

He felt so bad that, to make it up to me, gave me a super-rare Iron Maiden album. It was "7th Son of a 7th Son" but the cover was a big close up of Eddie who looked more like he did on the cover of "Somewhere in Time".

I called the cops anyway.

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