Friday, February 16, 2007

Look at what they did to my little black box!

This one was full of details, so I forgot most of them. I'll try to make this coherent.

My girlfriend and me were in our house when we noticed a car parked in the street in front. The car had been there for an hour or so already, and my girlfriend had to leave for work. Soon after she left, a cab pulled up behind the car. The guy in the car was apparently waiting for the cab, because he got out of his car and came to knock on my door. I went outside to talk to him.

The cab passenger rolled down his window and I saw that it was John Travolta. The guy started telling me how he represented Mr Travolta who was interested in buying my house. He gave me tons of reasons and papers showing how much money I would be making and how this was a very profitable deal for me.

As I was going through the papers he sneaked into the house. From inside the house, he opened the basement door and continued with his spiel. For some reason he was wearing a Halloween mask. He started telling me how important this deal was compared to my puny government salary. I was infuriated: the little shit had gone through my papers in the house to know how much I made! I told him to get the hell off my property and that the only reason I wasn't beating him up was because he was a lawyer and Mr Travolta was watching.

[...this is probably a "new dream", but the mood followed from the last]
Some time later that day, I was at City Hall in front of a board of inquiry. I don't remember why, just that there was the Mayor and a bunch of committee members asking for details on something I'd accomplished. I was pretty curt with them because I was still pissed off from before.

The next day, there was this big fancy black-tie party at City Hall in my honour. Something to do with the previous days inquiry. They were giving me the key to the City or something. During the mixer, I was talking with the Mayor saying how honoured I was and how I was sorry for having been so curt with them the previous day. I'd been in a bad mood but it was nothing to do with them.

Sometime during the party, we realized that the basement of City Hall had been taken over by cannibals (or something) and they were trying to get to us. Some woman came in screaming, saying that they'd caught and mistreated her. Instead of killing and/or raping her, they'd shaved her privates down to a little square of black hair (a Hitler) and then let her go. "Look at what they did to my little black box!", she cried. The Mayor and me fought really hard not to laugh.

Later I was with the Mayor, holed up in his office. We were trying to come up with a plan to deal with the cannibals.

And that's all I remember.

I do remember there was something about being a child trapped in a private school (a big square-ish building)...while at the same time being stuck out of it and trying to get in by climbing the walls. And this old lady teacher and/or orphanage madam being strict but kind.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Home, Sweet Home Invasion

Some time ago...

I had a weird dream (of course) on the week-end where my girlfriend and me were the victims of a home invasion. K.J. and The Rick came in with guns and kept us hostage in our home for 5-7 days.

They never said what they wanted. Money I guess.

What was real awkward, was that, at the time, there was some serious cunstruction going on in my backyard/driveway, with cranes and bulldozers and a 20 foot deep hole.Finally The Rick got bored and left...probably to go take care of his kid. A while after that, K.J. broke down and started crying, saying how sorry he was and that it was all The Rick's idea.

He felt so bad that, to make it up to me, gave me a super-rare Iron Maiden album. It was "7th Son of a 7th Son" but the cover was a big close up of Eddie who looked more like he did on the cover of "Somewhere in Time".

I called the cops anyway.