Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Kiss Me You Fools

I fond some old dreams! They all have to do with rock stars, for some reason.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We were all staying at my girlfriend's parents' place in Florida (or somewhere else in the States) to go see a show. I'm not sure exactly who was there, a couple of my buddies for sure, but Dave Mustane was also there.

And he was being a dick.

He'd complain all the time, trash the place, be abusive to everyone, leave with the only key to the house (which meant we couldn't leave ourselves). When we'd complain, he'd just smile and told us off.

Finally, after the show, in the middle of the night, he decided "this place sucks, I'm going to see Hollywood" and left. In the morning we were pissed off because we couldn'T leave without him and we didn't know where he was.


I (teen-aged me) was at a family barbeque at my parent's house and my teen-aged friend was there: young Dani Filth.

For some reason he didn't fit in. Mostly due to the fact that he did everything he could to not fit in: piss people off and shock them. But this being Dani Filth, it was all pretty childish. I don't remember all the details, except that he betrayed me at the end and tried to kill me.

But then I cut off his head with my light-saber.

What's the significance of this? dunno. Might be some deep-rooted resentment towards my parent for not letting me be Dani Filth with all his cool clothes and goth-hoes. Or it might be the fact that my parents are having a barbeque this week-end and I saw Star Wars last night.


I had the most boring dream last night.

I was a standby/replacement at a KISS concert. I was to stay back-stage and replace a member of the band if he couldn't perform that night. Thing was I didn't know which member I was supposed to cover for, so I was a bit stressed. But I was even more bored than stressed since I had to stay backstage and pretend I liked it, for the whole boring show.

When Paul came backstage during a solo, I was too shy to ask which member I was supposed to cover.

I do remember Gene was about to spit blood (doing the bass "noises" he does), then swallowed it instead and started taunting the crowd ("Ha ha , you thought I was going to spit blood! Suckers!"). And I also remember they admitted the drummer wasn't Peter Criss...which was kinda obvious since the guy drumming was wearing Paul's Make-up.

I know it sounds kinda cool, but my dream lasted the whole damn show! That was boring.

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